The Mission of S.u.N.
To generate UNITY among all women by fostering a strong sisterhood based on Individuality,
Responsibility, and
Excellence Through Unity
We are always looking for new recruits. Contact us now for information.
Email: SigmaUpsilonNUSL@gmail.com

The S.u.N.rises
Sigma Upsilon Nu, SL Sorority was born in the hearts of its founders on April 9, 2010 when dissatisfied with a lack of consistency with standards within their former organization, Cleopatra Kellman (Big Sister Everlast) and Angel McMullen (Big Sister Gemini) set out to create a sorority based on sisterhood and integrity and excellence. Neylaan Kytori (Big Sister Steadfast) and Monique Kessel (Big Sister Go Hard) were brought aboard to complete the founding team. Sigma Upsilon Nu was created to offer women within the SL community a place of sisterhood with attention to standards and integrity. Upon the formation of Sigma Upsilon Nu, the founders thought it necessary to activate the role of Mentor, which is supported by Soror Deeva Allen aka Big Sister Wisdom.